By Adoptee - 22/05/2011 23:09 - United Kingdom

Today, after eighteen years of living with my adoptive parents, I met my biological mum for the first time. She's a forty year old, 300lb American woman who wears 'Twilight' t-shirts and will be spending the rest of her visit to the UK trying to find Robert Pattinson. She says I remind her of herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 639
You deserved it 4 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if I were you I would thank her for putting me up for adoption


you're mom is not the one that gave you birth. you're mon is the one who raised you!

Our daughter's birth mom says the same thing to her, over and over. Other adopted friends say their birth mom's do it, too. It seems to be an attempt to make a connection that they really need by finding something in common. it drives other adoptees nuts too!

Sounds to me like her decision to place you for adoption was a good one ;) I will admit though, I'm really not sure what her weight has to do with anything...that doesn't make her crazy....

meggy2010 5

Sees shirt, OMG!!!! It's Cedric Diggory!!!

Maybe in the long run it doesn't matter much, but right now it's got to be pretty disappointing. Bio-mom crossed an ocean to meet her. Based on that alone, it's not unreasonable for OP to expect to be a little higher on the priorities list than a teen idol.

isn't this a good thing? you found your mom, plus you weren't raised by crazy.

kasumii 1
kittydriftwood 0

I don't feel sorry for you, OP, because you sound like a totally spoiled bitch. Sorry the woman that gave you life isn't good enough for you? Grow up.

104 - So just because a dumb girl got knocked up, the product of one moment's stupidity must devote all her love and respect to a woman who can't even prioritize meeting her own child over scouring the English Isles for an actor? How about YOU grow up and get off your high horse? The bitch clearly does not care about the girl.

Lady5 0

We dont even know thw whole story. This girl is just telling you a part of it. After she posted it they could have sat down and really got to know one another. As far as her reasons for giving her child up, you guys need to back up! Even though she wasnt a teenager, she was still too young. There are only a handful of females at that age that are mature enough to raise a baby and deal with whatever comes along with it. Sure, it could have been a quick fix for her to give the girl up, but 9 months with a baby inside of you and you feel no bond whatsoever? I doubt it........I think it was probably very difficult giving up her child, but she knew she could give her a better life. ,and the adoptive parents may not have had the privilege to have children, and this woman became a blessing to them. She gave them a child. So yes, the girl sounds like a spoiled brat. Especially how quick she was about getting online to post her feelings. And for the asshole who said F#ck America? Right back at you........freakin loser

kittydriftwood 0

I never said she had to love her. I didn't say anything about the mom and what led to her having to give her up for adoption. Believe me, I'm an advocate for "don't have sex if you can't deal with the consequences". That's not the issue. She needs to grow up and stop acting "OMG, like twilight and i make fun of people 'cause of what they are into lol fatties." It's a FML because her birth mom is into twilight? No. She was adopted into a presumably loving family (probably with no fat people), had the opportunity to meet her birth mother. If this is all she has to complain about she needs to GET a life. People aren't perfect, and parents are into all kinds of embarrassing stuff..because they are human. Her adoptive parents should have taught her how not to be a disrespectful little snot!

dudeitsdanny 9

I see her complaining as a result of the supposed resemblance. Look at it this way: OP grew up a certain way, the way her parents raised her. But what if nature has as much power as nurture in a person's development? She may be scared, so to speak, of the genes that her biological mom passed on: An increased chance for obesity, being possible.. Maybe she thinks her mother has a neurological disorder, seeing she's a middle-aged woman obsessed with Twilight. It's perfectly reasonable to think your life is ******, because you see, and dislike, what half of your DNA did for another person.

kittydriftwood 0

You can't help genetics. My mother gave me Samoan genes. I will never be a size 4. My mother also has a healthy obsession with Dave Matthews Band, who I happen to think are completely overrated and...well, poo. Does that mean I should bitch and whine and "OMG FML!! My moms a fat pig and is soo stupid lol"? Like I said, Grow up, OP.

And just what on earth is a "healthy obsession"? Isn't that a contradiction? "Who do you want me to be/ For you to sleep with me?"

Zombieslayer1 0

As a fellow adopted child I feel your pain. You have just made me stop wanting to meet anybody biologically related to me.