Family matters

By Anonymous - 14/12/2020 22:58 - United States

Today, I met this girl who's perfect. Turns out, since I'm adopted, she might be my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 975
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Based on what? Unless she look strictly similar to you, the chances of being related is so slim. You might as well have just said "I can't fall in love, anybody could be related to me".

While that's scary, it can be cleared up pretty quickly with just a simple DNA test.


Based on what? Unless she look strictly similar to you, the chances of being related is so slim. You might as well have just said "I can't fall in love, anybody could be related to me".

this is true even for people who were not adopted. how do you know your father didn't have a one-night stand?

I feel like the first statement still applies.

Yummi_913 18

Shit, even if your parents are married, your mom may still have made you with someone else. I've always thought my dad wasn't genetically my dad. Yesterday I found old records that may point to my parents also lying about the year they got married... a month before I was born may have actually been a few months before my younger sister was born. At least I'm too estranged from my family to care about confronting them.

While that's scary, it can be cleared up pretty quickly with just a simple DNA test.

Well, get busy banging before your 23-and-Me results come back. It'll only be weird if you wild guess is right.

sarahcroy20 12

Based on what? I think you're being rather ridiculous.

We’re going to need some more information as to why you think she’s your sister.