By Adoptee - 22/05/2011 23:09 - United Kingdom

Today, after eighteen years of living with my adoptive parents, I met my biological mum for the first time. She's a forty year old, 300lb American woman who wears 'Twilight' t-shirts and will be spending the rest of her visit to the UK trying to find Robert Pattinson. She says I remind her of herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 639
You deserved it 4 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if I were you I would thank her for putting me up for adoption


MrFlintstone 5

you guys can keep all the tourist that look like that

WickedPixie 0

You poor sod. Tell your mum you're ashamed of her like she must have been ashamed to be pregnant when she gave you up and then tell her Twilight is the worst series in existence. Then ship her scary ass back to the States. Oh wait, then that will be one more idiot in this country. Nevermind, you can keep her.

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

go back to ur adoptive parents.

A little buttsore over getting their ass kicked over the centuries. Jesus, Ghandi didnt even raise a rifle. Bwahahaha

thekrammer 5
Lady5 0

Go to hell! F$Ck whatever country you are from. You wish you were American, we probably saved your country from being taken over.

wtf op what does "American" mean? all Americans arnt 300 lbs

the worst part is that she's American! :D