By birdguts - 31/01/2011 02:34 - United Kingdom

Today, after 2 years together, my boyfriend finally proposed. I excitedly said yes. Just as we began to kiss, my half crazed cat ran in, dropped a half eaten bird at our feet, and promptly threw up on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 991
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste


This should have been the first task on his honey-do list.

---Cleaning up your cats present and vomit that is.

Get that shit bronzed! What a once-in-a-lifetime story!

How sweet. The cat was giving you an engagement gift.

He should have proposed by having the cat puke the ring out so you can see, feel and smell the ring!

princessjasmine2_fml 0

That's hilarious. On my sister's wedding day, she was really nervous and accidentally ran over her cat :o

well you certainly won't forget that! :) something to tell the kids ;D xD

i think the cat is against having doves or any type of bird at the wedding and is trying to tell u sumthin 0_0

kiwigail 0

well at least it'll be an interesting story to tell..

talktomandybaby 8

"Today, I got engaged to be married. FML." .......................... Well, actually...yeah, okay.