By Milly - 30/01/2011 19:25 - United Kingdom

By Milly - 30/01/2011 19:25 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 16:52 - United States
By long day - 12/11/2013 20:29 - United States - Bay City
By Ryan - 01/09/2022 21:00 - Canada - Quesnel
By automaticfail_00 - 17/06/2009 23:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/03/2018 05:00
By Anonymous - 14/04/2014 03:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 20:34 - Netherlands - Kerkrade
By Lickmylovepump - 19/01/2012 04:09 - United States
By kitkat545 - 15/06/2009 23:18 - United States
By melikeyturtles - 10/10/2011 04:13 - United States
oh geez
"Uhhh hello.... I need service... Trouble with my thingy... Very hard.... Say that again? Ohhh yeahhhh... keep going... keep going... again... yeahhh... mkay think I got it... now, you've been a... big help!.... I think I may need to call again later on tonight.... thanks..."
See, unless 19 is right, how the **** do you know what he's doing?
31, it ain't that hard to put two and two together...
no it's 4 2+2=4 god
low blow
you now have to do this!
don't have phone sex, you'll get hearing aids boys and girls
lol nice
lolol!! so gonna use that x)
I smell a lonely individual
Ooh that really sucks! Try to look on the bright side, at least people think you have a sexy voice!
Yea, take it as a compliment :)
So you helped him indeed :D
How exactly did you realise that he was doing "the deed"?
As opposed to the taste of your voice? The sight of your voice? The smell of your voice?
Ok, so you claim to be from England. This means that you've heard the phrase "sound of my voice" before. Evidently you are just a complete muppet that needs to be put down. I'm guessing your knuckles haven't quite scabbed over from your walk to the end of your street. Quit trying to be a smart arse and maybe learn something about yourself.
Tbwrb, lrn2 sarcasm, please.
the guy was being a muppet. also text talk, idiot.
No, you're the one being a muppet and a twit. Chill out, now.
so one for us one for you?
A little asinine.
The FEEL of your voice?
don't have phone sex, you'll get hearing aids boys and girls
If you were pleased with our service, press 1.