The Voice

By Stage Fright - 05/12/2022 00:00

Today, my roommate eavesdropped on me singing. When I realized he was there, he said I was "fucking incredible" and asked me to do another song. There's just one issue: I only sing well when I'm alone. The result was predictably bad. If it was possible to literally die of embarrassment, I wouldn't be writing this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 785
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I doubt that. More likely is that your roommate was ******* with you and just wanted to give you a chance to continue humiliating yourself with your cacophonous caterwauling.

tiptoppc 19

Look up the song “Mr Tanner” by Harry Chapin. Sound like the same situation.


I doubt that. More likely is that your roommate was ******* with you and just wanted to give you a chance to continue humiliating yourself with your cacophonous caterwauling.

tiptoppc 19

Look up the song “Mr Tanner” by Harry Chapin. Sound like the same situation.