By Noname - 12/03/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my cat was in the bathroom with me. I was getting undressed to get into the shower. My cat looked at me after I'd undressed and then threw up all over the rug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 150 402
You deserved it 22 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bubs_fml 0

Eh, cats just tend to vomit at inopportune times. Don't sweat it. It's just like how dogs only seem to hump things when you have company over.


JinxSNC 0
yohooooooo 5

those damn pussys need to stop throwin up that's all they do.

777buddy777 0

you tramatized your cat poor cat

bmboente15 0

At least it wasn't a different pussy that got sick ;)

take no offense. cat's don't matter. anything that it does can be taken with a grain of salt

wow #5, thats kinda harsh. oh well, i guess ill have to stop listening to my cat now. Sigh. I really trusted him.....

Sorry, but that made me lol. Don't take your kitty's comment too serious, i'm sure it wasn't personal. She still loves you.

Bubs_fml 0

Eh, cats just tend to vomit at inopportune times. Don't sweat it. It's just like how dogs only seem to hump things when you have company over.

chamd 0

yah like my visitors leg #9

mrstomkaulitz 0

haha ur lucky.. ur number 123 X]

lol... yeah, i doubt a cat would find a person sexually attractive regardless of how you look