By birdguts - 31/01/2011 02:34 - United Kingdom

Today, after 2 years together, my boyfriend finally proposed. I excitedly said yes. Just as we began to kiss, my half crazed cat ran in, dropped a half eaten bird at our feet, and promptly threw up on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 991
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste


Tekky_fml 3 You just got proposed to. Who cares about the cat?

Jester7 0

it's a gift! your cat approves :) be happy

ayyyeeee!!! you're still getting married!!! congrats!

HopefulForHim231 0

Well even the cat gave yo a wedding gift xD

i dont see what your complaining has nothing to do with the other

Lmfaooo101 0

hahaha, I would of just laughed:)

maybe your cat was afraid of losing your attention to your boyfriend