By birdguts - 31/01/2011 02:34 - United Kingdom

Today, after 2 years together, my boyfriend finally proposed. I excitedly said yes. Just as we began to kiss, my half crazed cat ran in, dropped a half eaten bird at our feet, and promptly threw up on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 991
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste


taetay2010j 0

ahh how cute she was giving you a gift she's happy for you hahahah

justbigbs 6

Your cat is awesome, bastard caught a bird, how many cats can do that!?

SusannaLuv 0

Haha, way to ruin the moment:)

Finally? I thought two years is the least you should be with someone to marry...

Karnezar 2

Funnier way to phrase the FML: Today, my boyfriend of two years proposed to me, and I excitedly said yes. My cat decided to join in on the merriment by bringing in a dead bird and promptly vomiting on it.

That cat just memory-bombed your proposal. Well played, Mr. Kitty.

Magedofe 0

Congradulations! Now, call a cleaner.

my cat did that too but not exactly in that order. congrats..