Time doesn't always heal

By Anonymous - 03/10/2022 09:30 - Israel - Ramat Gan

Today, exactly two years to the date when I thought my dream had came true when my partner surprised me with a kitten. Except two weeks later we had to give him away because my partner was too anxious about the cat destroying any of his stuff. I'm still heartbroken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 097
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a. your partner is an idiot. b. I would have kept the kitten and gotten rid of the partner.

you should break up with him, so many bad signs there with his decision making skills/commitment


a. your partner is an idiot. b. I would have kept the kitten and gotten rid of the partner.

He should have faked an allergy so he could have a reason to get rid of the kitten without looking like a .... Well, you know.

you should break up with him, so many bad signs there with his decision making skills/commitment