By birdguts - 31/01/2011 02:34 - United Kingdom

Today, after 2 years together, my boyfriend finally proposed. I excitedly said yes. Just as we began to kiss, my half crazed cat ran in, dropped a half eaten bird at our feet, and promptly threw up on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 991
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste


taylershea 0

that's a sign of affection, he was probably congratulating and showing is love to you. contests!?

joa76 3

2 years=finally? You realize two years isn't very long, right? Unless you meant two years of living together, maybe, which it doesn't sound like you did. I'm trying to come up with explanations that don't make you sound like one of those crazy people that start planning the wedding on the second date...

paint_me_pretty 5

why is it always a cat? don't people own dogs?

ulicksam 0

YDI for letting your cat run loose. Keep your damn pets in your house.

the bf told the cat and the cat brought an early present

kitty brought you an engagement gift! it had to find the perfect gift, which is hard for a cat because they have no money and are not allowed in stores. so it had to settle for a bird. but not just any bird - the perfect bird! then kitty had to dash home with the gift to present it to the happy couple. exhausted from the ordeal, the poor cat got sick. and all you can do is complain?