By Anonymous - 16/08/2011 03:31 - United States

Today, a cute guy in a bar came up to me, and we started chatting. I'm a natural blonde, and he commented on how nice my hair was. He then followed this up with, "Does the carpet match the curtains?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 733
You deserved it 5 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jswizzle_ 6

Now you have left us all wondering.


well hopefully u have tile floor aka shaved :)

Teaching him the value of a solid percussive treatment administered by your knee to his scrotum would have been beneficial for his learning process.

Lmao you should have replied, "just HARD WOOD flooring here." and winked.

I get that a lot since I have red hair. I usually reply that no, I have hardwood floors.

malbell07 0

What an idiot. Everyone knows it's does the carpet match the drapes. Not curtains.

drapes...curtains same thing. Does it really matter what word they used. The two function similarly any way.

skyeyez9 24

I remember hearing a tidbit: Look at a person's eyelashes. What ever color they are, that is what their "downstairs" hair color is.

ur stupid. this made no sense. I know see y you mentioned ur a natural blond.. poor dumb u!

TheWildRover 3

@180 if you are going to make fun of someone's intelligence, at least do so in coherent sentences. People are much more likely to agree with you then ;) haha

That's when you say 'would you like a knee to your knob' on the house;)