M. Night Shyamalanadingdong

By Anonymous - 30/06/2020 05:02

Today, I went to the bathroom after a terrible job interview. My interviewer walked in with another guy, talking about my interview, saying he was obviously going to hire the other guy because my odd-sounding name was too hard to pronounce, yet alone spell in multiple emails. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 540
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Foot in mouth syndrome

By Anonymous - 05/05/2024 12:00 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had an interview for a pretty interesting job. Everything was going smoothly until I referred to their company by the wrong name, not once, but three times. They politely corrected me each time, but I could see the resentment in their eyes, especially because it was the name of their main competitor. I probably won't be getting the job, huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 91
You deserved it 746

Top comments

that is discrimination. he should be reported. you don't deserve to not get a job based on your name.

Are you sure the "terrible job interview" had nothing to do with it?


that is discrimination. he should be reported. you don't deserve to not get a job based on your name.

You need to read a motivational book by the Duke basketball coach, Mike Shuh-SHEV-ski to see how he succeeded with a ******-up name. I just can't pronounce Mike!

Are you sure the "terrible job interview" had nothing to do with it?

It really depends on why it was terrible. If it was OP, then that’s probably it. But if it was because the interviewer was disinterested from the moment the interview started, then it’s on him.

youstupidfuckingidiot 5

If you’re in America that’s a lawsuit and you can get rich!

Redgy22 26

smh. How would that even work?

They can't do that, go to corporate or someone higher up and tell them about what you heard. thats not right.

Redgy22 26

And start off a job you don't have by being a whiny bitch? I promise you they have another valid reason for not offering OP the job.

bl3ur0z3 17

I'd be at the sink when he comes out of the stall and say "you can copy/paste my name in emails and it doesn't take most people to long time figure out what to call me out loud." Then walk out, leaving him worried about a discrimination suit.