Life goals

By ShayisPay101 - 15/02/2010 18:58 - United States

Today, my daughter told me she wants to be a stripper when she grows up, just like "Daddy's girlfriend." We're still married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 537
You deserved it 3 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Take her to the local fire station and ask if she could use their pole. Practice makes perfect :)


pink_shades 0

wow. I would definitly **** that bitch up first and then leave my husband, my productive tactics;]

perdix 29

No, trailer trash can't refer to the husband. The OP is his wife and she lives with him. Can he be trailer trash while she is a respectable lady residing in a mobile domicile? Maybe, but not likely.

boogievelli 0

that's fukin funnyy....some1s gettin a lapdance while your at work

I believe in this scenario snicker is reffering to the man as being the quality OF trailer trash... not in actuality but more in actions. boomshakalaka?

boogievelli 0

how I put a damn pic on my icon

And Freeze... I will catch you in a grammar mistake. It will happen even if I have to dedicate my life to it! Nah, I'll give up before that...