By Anonymous - 05/10/2018 13:30

Today, my daughter asked me to braid her hair. When I was done, she said Daddy's girlfriend does it better. I wasn't aware we had an open marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 124
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get proof so you can close the marriage quickly.

Perhaps it was a workmate and there's nothing shady?


Get proof so you can close the marriage quickly.

Hair-braiding is not the only thing she’s better at — if you know what I mean ;)

nathan Williams 3

wonder if she braided it with divorce in mind

Perhaps it was a workmate and there's nothing shady?

Alup132 22

While I’m not denying that he could be cheating, it’s possible she meant “girl friend” as in a female friend. She could also hear you or someone else talk about your female friends saying “girlfriends” (as women sometimes say) and picked it up from that. In the case that the benefit of the doubt isn’t true, sorry OP...

tounces7 27

If she's that little of a kid this could mean a lot of different things. His "Girlfriend" could well be a hair stylist he goes to for all you know. It doesn't mean he's actually sleeping with someone else. Obviously this needs to be looked into further. least it wasn’t his other wife...

It’s one thing to be so much of a dick to cheat on your spouse but to bring your kids into the middle of it that’s just a true low life

Old Papa Errol 4

when you find you you've been cheated on, find a way to get revenge and leave their ass behind