
By Anonymous - 29/11/2015 06:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend emotionally proposed over dinner, and I said yes. Soon after he left, he tweeted, "I just fucked up...." and a few minutes later called me and claimed the proposal was a prank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 592
You deserved it 1 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He obviously thinks your relationship is joke, so you either need to talk or leave.

Honestly I would dump him because that's ridiculously immature. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and very emotional and for him to not only make it into a prank but to publicly post on social media is ridiculous.


He obviously thinks your relationship is joke, so you either need to talk or leave.

mds9986 24

I don't think he thinks the relationship is a joke. I think he freaked out over the commitment and backed off. Maybe he just needs more time. Marriage is a huge thing.

maybe not the relationship but definitely he has no regard for her feelings.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Not necessarily. He might've thought it was the right thing to do at the moment, but later regretted it. What he did was stupid, no doubt, doesn't mean they have no regard for their partner's feelings.

That or he had another girl that he really liked finally spill about how it was so bad he is off the market and now doesn't wanna limit his options

Iwannarock1 19

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What a piece of no life shit he is! That's a red flag for you though

what an insensitive thing to do, playing with your emotions like that. you and him seriously need a talk about your relationship. you deserve better than that. sorry OP

Tweet that you've been ******* up for some time now (no idea how long your relationship has lasted) then call him and say dating him has been a prank

Honestly I would dump him because that's ridiculously immature. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and very emotional and for him to not only make it into a prank but to publicly post on social media is ridiculous.

What a ******* asshole break up with him, no one deserves for that to happen to someone.

If he wants to play it that way, ask him if the relationship is a prank too. Then promptly suggest to end the prank on your own terms. Maybe next time he'll think before he "*****" up.

Mathalamus 24

In what universe is this considered acceptable? Or any prank, actually.

He obviously has commitment issues. You deserve better op