Life goals

By ShayisPay101 - 15/02/2010 18:58 - United States

Today, my daughter told me she wants to be a stripper when she grows up, just like "Daddy's girlfriend." We're still married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 537
You deserved it 3 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Take her to the local fire station and ask if she could use their pole. Practice makes perfect :)


iPhone here :-) I really should be managing my store... ehhh they will be fine!

MadaZer0 8

Actually using the iPhone or Touch for FML is slightly better than the computer FML site... IMO

braFTW 0

So he's into charity, what's the big deal? He's probably just helping some young girl paying for college.

braFTW 0

About your daughter, well, not everyone gets to be an astronaut or the president when they grow up.. Still, it beats working on some fast-food restaurant her whole life. =D

MadaZer0 8

Dead you need a pic... Join the click~

Jesus...How on earth did you guys get so popular? (waits for Jesus joke)

roxiefab 0

speechless... except kick the ass out... he obviously doesn't deserve your daughter either!!!

MadaZer0 8

How in animes name do you make a Jesus joke out of.... Oh I see...

I do indeed need a pic... everytime I think to do it I'm away from my computer and I don't know how to on my phone. Soon though... the world shall know my face!!! bwahahaha...*cough*

i did too. i thought it was just people dancing naked, so it sounded fun.