Life goals

By ShayisPay101 - 15/02/2010 18:58 - United States

Today, my daughter told me she wants to be a stripper when she grows up, just like "Daddy's girlfriend." We're still married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 537
You deserved it 3 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Take her to the local fire station and ask if she could use their pole. Practice makes perfect :)


sjisje 0

why does he involve your daughter in his affair.. and why a fucken stripper? FYL

Cool! You'll never have to worry about her college tuition fees!

volleyballx3 2

awhhh; thats awfulll ! that sucks. iloveyouuu <3

Hey dumbass, not only is that sentence extremely ambigous, it's gramatically wrong; pronouns can't refer to nouns (such as your wife) that weren't used previosly. Think about it.

KurouTenshi 0

OMG FREEZE xD I think I just got your display...Grammar Nazi, right? O.o'

MRSmiley_fml 0

triforce rite? newfags just can't damn do it.

Go, go, grammar Nazis. Mighty spelling grammar Nazis!

KurouTenshi 0

hell yeah Triforce >:D LoZ FL!!!

MadaZer0 8
xundria 5

I find it highly amusing that no one pointed out that this guy is trying to make fun of someone for their grammar errors but fails to spell "grammatically" correctly.

perdix 29

Honey, you need to drink some coffee, or get a good night's sleep. The OP is the wife and daddy's cheating with a stripper (she's the one you are presumably calling trailer trash.) You seem to be confused on who's who is this story. Do you want me to badger people about grammar flaws while you rest?

Actually... this time snikker is correct... the trailer trash she is referring to is the husband. the woman the daughter never sees again being the stripper. Maybe it was confusingly worded but this is technically a win for snicker... tuduhhhhh

And this is the end of the world. A faceless FML poster correcting perdix. I can't say I regret much. I lived I loved I got a tshirt (though not as outstanding as people would like you to think)