By Stripperofthemall - 25/08/2009 06:32 - United States

Today, I found out why my 5 year-old son's teacher acts so awkward around me. My son told everyone in his class that I work as a stripper. I'm not a stripper, I work at the strip mall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 221
You deserved it 2 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaddogTotten 0

Wow, sure they weren't just disappointed with your boring career and said you were a stripper to liven it up? It was my privilege to be first on your FML.

tenkenshi 2

I don't see a gender listed. This FML would be a bit funnier if OP was a man.


MaddogTotten 0

Wow, sure they weren't just disappointed with your boring career and said you were a stripper to liven it up? It was my privilege to be first on your FML.

nam3 0

i've seen this one already come up with your own story lady

ReasonsToFly 0

I think the other one that was similar to this had a different job. But besides the job everything else is almost exactly the same.

So only one 5 year old can misinterpret what their parents say? Also adult movies:)

i'm so sick of these kind of fml's......everyones son/daughter is an idiot by the sounds of things......

Kids have a whole section for a reason! Kid related FMLs happen a whole lot. And they're my favourites. :) Just don't read those ones then, I guess. :

Shadow_Phantom 26

Ironically they didn't put it in Kids though.

Oh, I didn't even look, I just assumed. XD Woops.

I'll concur. Kids truly are morons today.

waterynuggets 0

Oh LoL this sounds kind of familiar

Most men can kill any woman with his own 2 hands. That's why were the only gender that matters now make me a sndwich goes

No, most men CANNOT kill any woman with two hands because that is a false stereotype, so stop being an arrogant idiot who can't even spell or put together a sentance. Clearly, if anything men like you are the only type of people who DON'T MATTER.

Well, at least most women don't have to resort to death threats to get a sandwich.

alex_vik 0

#12 - Ever hear of the phrase "Choke a bitch"?

letitbe56 0

why do people think that every thought needs to be "out there"? Someone needs to dig around this guy's back yard a bit so that the Grand Jury can properly indict his ass!

Don't worry everyone, #10 is only upset because he can't get any girls. ^_^ And he's probably making up for his tiny dick. By the way, #10, actually in an evolutionary sense, men are more disposable. Not that I'm saying men don't matter lol.

It makes sense that in larger communities, the larger, stronger, and more violent breed who do not carry children for nine months would be "disposable". It's totally worth it!

Well, on the up side, you're hot enough to be considered a stripper after you've had a child, that is a good thing, no?

wrong, not all strippers are hot, theres even weird clubs with fat girls. If a little kid told me that their mom was a stripper nice and clear, when I saw them thats what I would think, unless she was like morbidly obese or some shit

WTF is wrong with the teacher? Being a stripper is a job. Maybe not a job that everyone is comfortable with, but that just makes the teacher a prude and a snob. Now, I can see the teacher looking askance at you if you were something disgusting, like a *****. Or even worse, a lawyer!

Because it is illegal and unregulated, the women are treated miserably. I really used that word to set up the punch line about the lawyers.

Well then, I think I've decided on a profession. I always was told I would make a hell of a lawyer.... :)

Some people don't know the difference between a stripper and a hooker... ignorant douches!

tenkenshi 2

I don't see a gender listed. This FML would be a bit funnier if OP was a man.

Well it's not like she still thinks your a stripper, shut the hell up and quit bitching. People have real problems

smartalek 2

blah blah blah. you're missing the point of this web site.