By kte - 30/12/2009 10:36 - United States

Today, I found out that my parents bought a stripper pole, my mom even hired a stripper to teach her some "moves." I'm scared to go in their room now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 301
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifesucks159357 0

at leaste when u bring ur boyfriend u can teach him some moves


lifesucks159357 0

at leaste when u bring ur boyfriend u can teach him some moves

perdix 29

Just hope that your mom doesn't show your boyfriend her stripper moves first.

lol that would be extremely creepy! i wouldnt want to go to her house again if that happened to me

wouldnt this be good for you too? besides, just dont go in when they're home.

Fuckimlazy 0

YDI for not having an Oedipus complex

Good for parties when they're out of town tho :)

jakeidk 0

wow... did you try learning any moves??