High hopes

By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 00:29 - United States

Today, I ran into one of my teachers from high school. When I told her I'd just recently graduated college and was starting graduate school in the fall, she said, "You don't have to lie, some people just aren't cut out for college. There's no shame." I wasn't lying, I graduated with honors too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 840
You deserved it 2 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then tell her that, and also add that your degree is probably ranked a little higher than an ordinary high school teacher's degree.


I wouldn't give a shit about what some bitchy teacher said if I graduated with honor

when you are making millions, go back to said school with your new Ferrari and Doctorate and show her what you are made of

I would have said "Are you mad because you didn't get an education? Bitch"

naah a far better comeback would have been " i know having had you as a teacher i allmost don't belive it myself"

Thabb 0

Why does he fail, because some teacher doesn't believe that he is successful when he actually is? I don't see failure there.

wait u just graduated college and ur going to school? ???

"graduate college" yeah, it's where the smarter smart people go.

It's either "might've" or "might have." They both mean the same thing as the former is a contraction of the latter. Just because you pronounce it "might of" that doesn't mean you should spell it that way too. /Grammar Naziism

ells55 0

don't give a damn what she says be proud that your doing great you don't need to prove that to any crummy old teacher!

then tell her that, and also add that your degree is probably ranked a little higher than an ordinary high school teacher's degree.

Exactly just rub it in her face when you get a bigger paycheck than her. hopefully you will be doing something you enjoy.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, one way to look at it is that if you keep it up and get a good job you'll end up making more money than them.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, one way to look at it is that if you keep it up and get a good job you'll end up making more money than them.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, one way to look at it is that if you keep it up and get a good job you'll end up making more money than them.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, one way to look at it is that if you keep it up and get a good job you'll end up making more money than them.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, sorry about the multi-post, the FML app has an issue posting and then this happens.

you really wanted that comment on there, I usually just give up if it doesn't post it the first time

Rei_Ayanami 18

That's just it, I only submitted once, for me they are all #10.