By Noname - 02/03/2009 18:52 - Canada

Today, I decided to be a good driver and not run through the yellow light. As soon as I stopped my car another came and rear-ended me. The guy told me to go in the parking lot so we can exchange information. So I drove into the parking lot, I turned my head and watched him drive away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 585
You deserved it 7 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't make you a good driver for stopping at a yellow light when you could've gone through. It makes you a douchebag for stopping short and causing the guy behind you to bump you.. of course he's a douchebag too for running away. I guess everyone's a douchebag in this story

Xinxinix 0

Ohh god, the guy should've realized you were stopping because your break lights would've shown. He was probably riding up on your tailgate so far that when you went to stop he crashsed into you. Then he decided to be a jackass and take off leaving you there.


It doesn't make you a good driver for stopping at a yellow light when you could've gone through. It makes you a douchebag for stopping short and causing the guy behind you to bump you.. of course he's a douchebag too for running away. I guess everyone's a douchebag in this story

it Quebec for **** sakes tho Frenchmen don't even stop for red lights

TwinTurbo57 0

you're a douche saying he's a douche. stopping at a yellow is good. couldn't been a red in no time. the other retard shoulda paid more attention on the road...

In Canada, which is where OP lives, it is against the law to go through a yellow light, the rules say that it is a red-light. If you are able to stop you must. The only 2 douche bags I see are you and the driver that ran away.

Xinxinix 0

Ohh god, the guy should've realized you were stopping because your break lights would've shown. He was probably riding up on your tailgate so far that when you went to stop he crashsed into you. Then he decided to be a jackass and take off leaving you there.

ashleyrhiann 0

what an asshole... i hate people like that

hope you got his license plate number

That's a hit and run. I sure hope you got his license plate because if they catch him he's going to jail.

@#1 You should never be following close enough to rear end someone. It was the other guy's fault.

Aww :(. That happened to me on my way to school once. But just before he sped off I jotted down the guy's license plate number, so it all worked out haha.

no one knows how to spell brake I can't believe he had the nerve to tell you where to go and take off on you like that. Would have been smarter to just run. Now you can put posters of his face all over town :D

Me2_fml 0

Yellow means one more can go.

@1, doesn't matter WHY someone stops, you have to be able to stop in time or you're at fault. Next time use your cell phone to IMMEDIATELY take a pic of the license plate of the other driver. Cell phone cameras folks! Remember to use them to capture the damage on BOTH cars, so they can't claim dmg later that wasn't there.