
By poolgirl789 - 03/09/2013 06:30 - United Kingdom - Bradford

Today, I had to feed an elderly man in the care home in which I work while he was whacking off. Our work policy states that I have to pretend not to notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 761
You deserved it 4 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't wait to reach old age, I can do anything I want ;)

crazytwinsmom 25

I would think he'd be able to feed himself if he can whack off.


bubblemint00 6

pretty good at multi tasking eh

TheDrifter 23

So many "come back when he's done" comments. Am I the only one thinking that he'd likely just wait until she came back to finish?

TheDrifter 23

You think I could get away with it now, or do I have to wait until I hit geriatric?

1dvs_bstd 41

The hell kind of policy is that? Just dump the food and let the old perv feed himself, dafuq!!

Does this happen so often that your company has a policy regarding it?...I find it wired

That's an intreating rule...maybe you find a way not to feed him again...

...you can go to get fed while whacking it?? Maybe being old isn't so bad.

numberswoman 14

That must have been one hell of a terrific meal!

jayellef 3

How to do pretend not to notice when there's jiz all over you? That's so gross, I wouldn't work there.