
By poolgirl789 - 03/09/2013 06:30 - United Kingdom - Bradford

Today, I had to feed an elderly man in the care home in which I work while he was whacking off. Our work policy states that I have to pretend not to notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 761
You deserved it 4 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't wait to reach old age, I can do anything I want ;)

crazytwinsmom 25

I would think he'd be able to feed himself if he can whack off.


Mackay92 14

Maybe he has a food fetish and he was at the point of no return when you brought his food

I'm a CNA and yes, if they can do that they can still not be able to feed themselves because they may have issues swallowing, or even need to be cued to eat, because with severe dementia they can forget how to eat food and even swallow. I'm assuming op is also a CNA, in which case they should be more mature about this. Legally, hospitals and homes are required to provide privacy for residents for their sexual needs, and yes, to pretend not to notice to but to move them somewhere else that is not in front of other residents if they were in a dining hall. Its called human rights. Residents also don't have to eat exactly when meals come, so what the op should have done is asked the resident if they'd like some privacy and move them back to their room, and then feed them later after they're done. TL;DR op needs to have more compassion.

Tonka2203 7

wow, i can't believe that policy... i would probably smack him... and get fired... oh well

rotcgirl101 7

You also shouldn't be posting this on a public site.

no names were mentioned, so technically nobody's privacy was invaded

If he asks you to help him... Do you have to...? 0.o

jonireson 11

Hey, it's maybe the only enjoyment the poor old git gets. Just deal with it, what's the big deal?

Duceswild99 19

This is even funnier because you have a policy regarding it. How many old men must have done this before management said "We should address this"

OP, you should have said that you could come back at a more convenient time-if he's not suffering from dementia, he shouldn't be masturbating in front of you.