Hazing rituals have to stop

By Anonymous - 13/04/2021 23:00 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I woke up again from another nightmare about my university's hazing fallout. Every time I see their faces in these dreams, I remember how they got away with everything, including trying to end us as they searched for the first year snitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 914
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turn them into their national charter Hazing is illegal

I'm very sorry for what happened to you but it sounds like you're suffering from PTSD. you're going to need some therapy for that and also if I was you I would get a lawyer, and see if you can sue these people personally for what they did. the University might not see fit to punish them but that doesn't mean the courts won't or you could do your own form of hazing on social media and let everybody know who they are.


Turn them into their national charter Hazing is illegal

I'm very sorry for what happened to you but it sounds like you're suffering from PTSD. you're going to need some therapy for that and also if I was you I would get a lawyer, and see if you can sue these people personally for what they did. the University might not see fit to punish them but that doesn't mean the courts won't or you could do your own form of hazing on social media and let everybody know who they are.

Never join a fraternity or sorority and this cannot happen. If you aren’t mature enough to get by without those idiots you don’t belong in college.