By spit saliva spit - 07/08/2019 20:00

Today, I drooled on myself during a job interview and was immediately dismissed. This isn’t the first time it’s happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 417
You deserved it 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it isn't the first time, you need to give it a reason then, like you have some sort of nerve damage on your bottom lip and it's not always able to be held in. Roll with it, if they see it just give an explanation they can't dismiss!

I’m guessing the job is in food service or as a bouncer at a strip club. Am I right?


If it isn't the first time, you need to give it a reason then, like you have some sort of nerve damage on your bottom lip and it's not always able to be held in. Roll with it, if they see it just give an explanation they can't dismiss!

I’m guessing the job is in food service or as a bouncer at a strip club. Am I right?

Perhaps so, both workplaces require you to keep your fluids contained at all times!

We must always preserve our precious bodily fluids!

slkeithh 14

The hell is wrong with you?

You drooled on yourself? That takes narcissism to the next level. :D