
By poolgirl789 - 03/09/2013 06:30 - United Kingdom - Bradford

Today, I had to feed an elderly man in the care home in which I work while he was whacking off. Our work policy states that I have to pretend not to notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 761
You deserved it 4 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't wait to reach old age, I can do anything I want ;)

crazytwinsmom 25

I would think he'd be able to feed himself if he can whack off.


cha2010chi 10

I work in the same field so I completely feel your pain.

I would have just said can you hold off while we finish this then you can finish that?

I'm sure work policy can't trump the law. Someone wanks in front of you, get them arrested.

This. It's indecent exposure and could be sexual harassment!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Have some dignity and tell them no.

That could possibly result in op being fired if the elderly person in question is fully aware of their surroundings and not currently suffering from Alzheimer's.

That sucks for you! I wouldn't want to put up with stuff like that. I once volunteered at a crisis hotline where we couldn't hang up on people whacking off. I thought it was so stupid that they wanted us to sit there and ask them if they were ok while they were grunting and asking us to keep talking. Eventually I just started putting the phone down and going on about doing other things. On a side note though--he has to be pretty talented to chew his food and whack it at the same time. That's like patting your head and rubbing your stomach--dang near impossible!

unixdude 9

Now to figure out which of your coworkers has been giving him handjobs. He just has a Pavlovian reaction to being fed...