Dreams Never End

By Anonymous - 16/09/2020 13:32 - India - Vijayawada

Today, I finally convinced my mother to allow me pursue my dream job after months of begging. I logged in to the college's website to register for the course and found that the final seat had been filled in today and I need to wait one more year for admission. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 343
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Suaria 38

Contact the professor. It's possible someone will drop out or the professor will let another person in.

TomeDr 24

Use that time wisely. Get a job and save as much money as you can.


Well, you get to live another year with your mom. Rent-free, of course.'

TomeDr 24

Use that time wisely. Get a job and save as much money as you can.

Suaria 38

Contact the professor. It's possible someone will drop out or the professor will let another person in.

julfunky 29

She lives in India. Parents play a bigger role in their culture than many other places.

tounces7 27

Makes you wonder if your mother had been checking, and already knew this, and that's why she "gave in" at that very moment.

How old are you? Why do you need your mom's permission to go to college? Unless she makes too much money for you to get financial aid I guess.