Don't mess with Texas

By Anonymous - 17/10/2013 21:36 - United States - College Station

Today, my boss gave me a verbal warning. My crime? Calling people "Hon'", "Darlin'", and the like. I work at a Texas diner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 058
You deserved it 5 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

I must be weird cuz I enjoy when people do that.


\ 28

In today's "politically correct" world (or at least where I work,) calling people endearing titles like "honey" and "sweetheart" is considered grounds enough for sexual harrassment. Sniff.

TheDrifter 23

When did this happen? Truck stop and diner waitresses all over the continent are going to have to learn new greetings.

If this catches up in the south, we'll all be screwed.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

When I hear someone say "Hon", all I think about is that mass murdering son of a bitch who killed like 70% of my friends and coworkers. Such dark days for all of us here on the Death Star. We just couldn't get him.. He was to sly for us.. Damn you Hans Solo! Damn you to a galaxy far far away!

I don't know what a 'hon' is, but I know what 'hun' is. And its s little creepy

I hope my new boss isn't like yours. I call everyone by various pet names. FYL, indeed, sweetheart.

I like it when waitresses call me Hon or Suge or Sweetie. But only if I've gone there a couple of times. It's kinda disconcerting to get it from a face you've never seen before.

jojimugo 20

All those terms of endearment and a good service equals a bigger tip ... To me at least

i however dislike like it, im a sir not a hon or darlin.

buttcramp 21

I'm from Spring, tx which is just northwest of Houston. we say "hey y'all " to elderly couples because older women get offended by "hey guys!" and gun, darlin', and sugar are just alright by me.

It depends on the situation. Sometimes, people say it out of spite or ironically, like when a customer is bitching about their meal. It works the same way when someone calls a man "boy" to make them mad or demean them.

tjv3 10

Is your boss from here(Texas)?

Goblin182 26

I from the south, so I get this.

Us texans do not like stereotypes

It seems you also do not like using proper grammar or punctuation.

Your clearly not from southern Texas then.

TRaww21 14

Please don't let him represent the rest of us.

Boy, you ain't from 'round here, are ya?

I think you guys may have missed the intended ironic humor in his comment.

I'm from texas and I love the stereotypes.... basically because a lot of them are true. Southern drawls, honkeytonks, and hospitality. I ain't ashamed of nothin y'all. (:

Zimmington 21

Depends on what part of Tx you live or Southern Hospitality is long dead

Y'all better y'all respect each other y'all.

xXxGraveStonexXx 20

Well OP is probably Texan and/or has had experience with their speech. So she's not stereotyping Texans.

Snide_Sniper 3

Actually, 108, she is. While her boss is being a jerk, the fact that she thinks that it is necessary to state where the diner is located means that she believes the behavior is OK only because it is Texas. I believe that qualifies as a stereotype. I think diners everywhere need to go back to this. It's just nice behavior.

Hey boy, we got some cattle loose down yonda! Round them fellers up and I'll pay ye a nickel!

#125 Stereotypes do exist and observing them is not wrong, but making sweeping generalisations because of stereotypes are wrong. OP isn't generalising about anyone, she's just aware that there IS a stereotype and she specified her location so that people could understand that she FITS the stereotype (at least in terms of the way she talks). Nothing wrong with that.

I just hope close-mindedness isn't part of that list, #53.

That also depends on what part of the south you're in. :P #156

JMichael 25

I must be weird cuz I enjoy when people do that.

I bet he wouldn't mind you calling him that though... Smdh

Ch_rae5 19

i like it too it makes the resturant feel more welcoming

infected150 27

Thats weird someone would complain about that it really adds to the atmosphere. Hope you didn't get in trouble op.

XxXCrissyXxX 12

Could have been a jealous significant other, or someone who just felt weird about it. You wouldn't believe how some people react to things like that.

I'm a "server", I tell my "guests" all the time, "I don't care if you call me my name, waitress, or server. I'm not politcally correct, I can't stand it." (This is only to the "guests" that make mention of the word waitress, and then apologize). I was straight up told to never, ever use terms such as these when talking to our "guests", so I say Sir, and Ma'am. They told use more so to never call a child by one of these names, because quote, "It's too familure to the parent, and they will become uncomfortable." I am to never hug a guest, or child, and to avoid giving my opinion on anything other than the food we serve. It's stupid, so instead I call all my coworkers pet names, and they all call me mom. Which I find so funny since I'm just a year or so older/younger than most them. Political correctness offends me, is that a paradox? Irony? Idk I'm too annoyed to care, my dear.

SuperMew 22

It might annoy you but you do not own the establishment. My father owned a franchise for a long time and there were waitstaff who did not seem to understand they tried to have rules for a reason.

I like how you use your " ", #119 . Tickles my curiosity. What kind of "Guests" do you "Serve"?

BradTheBrony 19

I was just about to say that. I didn't even know there were restaurants that had "happy endings."

Goblin182 26

In a fancy, formal restaurant the I would agree using Sir and Ma'am would be appropriate, and using familiar terms of endearment would be discouraged, but this is a Texas diner.

TheDrifter 23

Don't you worry bout him doll, daggummed Yankees won't never understand what bein' hospitable is all about.

I like being called that! :( It makes for a nice dining experience.

I don't mind it when waitresses call me "hon" or stuff like that.

I wouldn't never report it or anything crazy, but I find the terms of endearment awkward and sometimes condescending; especially if the waitor/waitress is the same age as I am. But I also live in Canada, and it doesn't happen in too many restaurants.

Totally off topic, but you look a little bit like Justin Trudeau 127.

That is definitely not me, his name is B. Saucee

I have no preference to what I'm called by waitresses

That is dumb I think you should be polite to who ever and that is the greatness of the south!

I was under the impression that Southerners were polite to a fault, and wouldn't dare address someone they didn't know informally. Is Texas different from other areas, that they drop the Sir and Ma'am/Miss and use familiar endearments towards strangers instead? New England manners are much less concrete. (In some cases all but invisible)

Same in so cal/la. Nobody is polite

Okay, I have to say it. I didn't want to, even after a day or so, but I have to. It's "y'all", a contraction of "you" and "all", I'm Texan born and raised and it's slightly off, but enough to be bothersome.