By Anonymous - 21/02/2019 17:00 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, I had a anxiety attack about taking my anxiety medicine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 128
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Miss Beep 14

I get the same way, I've tried three different kinds and always have an attack because I'm scared that I don't know how I'm gonna react to it ❤ hang in there

iceberg 10

How does one tell you have an erection when it's size is a mere 1/2 centimeter?


I know how you feel. I got an erection just thinking about taking my Viagra. It’s hard — just stick it out.

iceberg 10

How does one tell you have an erection when it's size is a mere 1/2 centimeter?

Are you angling for a dick pic, Mrs. Robinson?

You know that anxiety medicine doesn't induce anxiety, but rather tries to prevent it, right?

Gofuckyourself 24

Sorry to hear OP! I personally take ativan when I feel a panic/anxiety attack coming on and feel better within minutes. It's not a daily pill I take, I only take it once I feel I'm going into panic mode. Medication might not be for you, if that's how you're feeling. Visit your doctor to see if theres other ways you can cope.

Miss Beep 14

I get the same way, I've tried three different kinds and always have an attack because I'm scared that I don't know how I'm gonna react to it ❤ hang in there

bloopaloop 27

Problem solved! You must be a genius for coming up with such an elegant solution that the rest of humanity missed!

bl3ur0z3 17

I do too because I worry that I'm putting unnecessary chemicals in my body and anxiety is a psychosomatic symptom to begin with and I'm a loser for needing this and it's going to pass, but in the meantime I literally feel like I'm dying and maybe I'm actually dying and mistaking it for a panic attack and I need to lie down and either it'll pass or I'll die.

puffita914 1

I have really bad anxiety, idk where it comes from I feel like I’m gonna die, I try to keep my mind busy and exercise that helps a lot also I have sex with my husband and it helps me not think of it.