Knackered knob

By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 06:27 - Ghana

Today, I learned that because of my new medication, I can either avoid getting malaria, or have a male yeast infection. I'm stuck in Africa for the next two months, and have to sit down to pee because I don't want to irritate my penis by touching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 709
You deserved it 3 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think what he's trying to say is that the medication is to ward off malaria, but has the side effect of potential male yeast infection. A potential which has apparently been reached. FYL


HahaYDI 0

Haha I'm number 2 on the list of comments!! SUCK IT

Prevent malaria, OR get male yeast infection? That doesn't seem right.

The medicine is deoxycycline. Its an antibiotic that (among many other things) is prescribed to prevent malaria. Like most antibiotics it can cause yeast infections to develop by killing off the good bacteria in your body that prevents yeast from growing. VERY common problem for women on antibiotics but can also happen to men, especially when they are on them long-term, like to prevent malaria during an extended trip.

yeesh. or should i say yeast. at least you know what it is, and you dont have to get cotton eye joe'd. (qtip in the peehole for STI testing)

hope he can find some of those oral pills that wipe yeast infection out

22cute 17

Sitting down to pee is SUCH a big deal! My god, how do you endure?

Sorry, this just doesn't make sense to me.

Glad I'm not the only one. Prevent malaria OR get a male yeast infection? I'm stumped...


He's saying that because of his anti-malarial medication, he's getting a yeast infection. So, he has a choice: prevent malaria, or get a yeast infection. It's worded poorly, and took me a few times reading it to fully comprehend.

poopsicle22 0

it's actually prevent malaria or prevent a yeast infection. choosing between preventing a disease and having an infection is win-win

urlifeisfucked_fml 0

The way its worded makes it sound like he's not taking his medication, since he said prevent malaria OR have a male yeast infection.

lil_cig 0

Hmm... to prevent malaria, does he need to actually get it (but prevent it?).. So does that mean if he doesn't get exposed to malaria, that he'll develop a yeast infection? I'm confused. =/

bexox 0

The malaria medicine was probably some kind of antibiotic (although I could be wrong on this). A common complication of antibiotics is UTIs.

omgwtflolz 0

ugh yeah im so confused. i dont get why you're in africa. and i also don't get how you can either prevent milaria or get a yeast infection...

CableX17 0

It was improperly worded. Try this instead- "Now i get to choose between the possibility of Malaria, or a male yeast infection"

22cute 17

What doesn't make sense is why he cares so. much about sitting for a piss. really, there should be a "meh" button on here.

so he is either a gay gay... or a fag fag, your not making much in the way of sense here champ

JaaayZeee 0

yeah, too bad there is only a slight chance they have that in the part of africa he is going to...

im in the healthcare studies, and FYI, if men get yeast infection, it can get very serious.. but then again.. that drug and most drugs hv numerous side-effects on em.. you must be worried only if it is clinically significant.. dont trouble yourself too much because u read a small text print in a long printout of your anti-malarial's side effects....

And which part of Africa did the OP say he was going to? It's more than possible to procure medications in Africa, dear.

Haha, what? Ghana is known for its Star Beer. Beer is basically the only thing you can get with some regularity in cities around the country. The other options are limited to like... Smirnoff Ice and random soy sauce-sized packets of whiskey, vodka or gin.

Male yeast infections and female yeast infections are two very different beasts.

having travelled in africa and other malaria zones before my advice would be to ditch your malaria medicine

buckskinpony 0

Yeah, I wouldn't do that. If you were there long term (like, years), you would probably end up ditching the malaria meds because they're basically poison if you keep taking them. But they WILL help prevent malaria, and if you do get it, it is usually milder than if you were off the meds completely. True FML though. OP: I would switch malaria meds. If you can, when I lived in Africa we couldn't find any because of how rural the place we lived was. If you can't, sorry dude. FYL.

You can prevent Malaria!?!?!?!? Does that count as a super power?

bexox 0

Oh, the magic of modern medicine! :0