
By what the fuck????? - 17/02/2022 16:01 - United States - Denver

Today, while at a restaurant, I watched in horror as my daughter picked a hair out of her food and continued eating it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 674
You deserved it 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sure it wasn’t her own hair? I’ve had a hair of mine fall into my food before.

Did she continue eating the food or the hair?


Did she continue eating the food or the hair?

You sure it wasn’t her own hair? I’ve had a hair of mine fall into my food before.

This honestly doesn't tend to bother me if it's like 1 strand. pick it out and pitch it. it's hair, I have hair, I even have facial hair that gets in my mouth if It grows out. but I lived alone as a single dude, I have eaten questionable food before when the pay is thin, pretty sure this is pretty standard for most broke single people on their own?