Bad boy!

By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I dog-sat for my neighbors' pitbull. Weighing in at 100 pounds with a nasty bite, this dog is no lap dog, but I treated it as one - not knowing how deadly this dog could be - beckoning it towards me with my hand. I now have 6 stitches in my hand and arm, and the neighbors didn't pay me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 253
You deserved it 17 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KwitIt 0

You've got to be kidding me. They're not even paying your doctor's bills? If my dog bit someone, I'd bend over backwards to help that someone so that they wouldn't get my dog put to sleep. What jerks you have for neighbors!

SpunkT 0

#2. Not all pitbulls are vicious. Most people would assume a family pet is friendly. The neighbors should have warned that their dog is mean. A good owner will socialize the dog so that it's not afraid of strangers. And if you know your dog doesn't like certain things, like people motioning it to come over, you tell them. You should sue. Dogs that bite people get put down.


#19- yeah, doctors do give stitches for dog bite wounds. my friend's mom was bitten by a dog when she was taking a walk, and she got stitches. they don't give stitches all the time, so i'm guessing it depends on the type of wound, but it is possible.

meg8989 0

That really sucks. Not your fault at all - its so sad the bad reputation pit bulls get. All the pit bulls I know are loving, gentle, and very friendly animals. Clearly your neighbor's dog was poorly trained. It wasn't your fault to assume the dog was friendly. Your neighbors are clearly horrible, irresponsible dick heads.

meg8989 0

"When raised and nurtured property, pit bulls are seen as loyal, gentle animals. At one time, they were nicknamed "nursemaid's dogs" because of their friendly demeanor toward children. Unfortunately, the breed's athleticism and intelligence, which would normally help its case as a good family dog, is manipulated to turn these dogs into fierce fighters. But experienced breeders still argue that pit bulls can be excellent companion dogs if they're properly trained and socialized with other dogs at a young age. " - Pit bulls are naturally trusting, loyal, obedient dogs and work hard for their owner's love. Some cruel people take advantage of the pit bulls adoration to manipulate them into becoming fighting dogs. But it it totally unfair to claim that all pitbulls are naturally aggressive or dangerous.

Your neighbors ought to be paying your hospital bills, because that's ridiculous. I'm sure they knew that they had an unfriendly dog and they should have warned you. I can't imagine how they trained that dog. My pit is epileptic and over-energetic and she would still never bite.

I've already posted but I need to add something: There is a huge difference between a dog attack and a dog bite. If the OP walked away with 6 stitches, this dog was just warning "hey you are in my space and I don't trust you" Dogs are protective over their space and it doesn't matter which breed. If it was doing this to be vicious or to be aggressive, you wouldn't be dealing with stitches.

God, people are so freaking stupid. Pit bulls are very sweet dogs. They are my favorite type of dog. I mean, come on. I volunteer with animals and they are the best dogs there. So do not judge them because of newspapers. Ugh. People, come on!

It accidentally posted two times, ahhhhhhh!

OP- You have awful grammar. And it's not the breed of dog, it's how it's trained, duuuuuuh