By UniverseHatesMe - 26/05/2016 10:04 - United States - Cuyahoga Falls

Today, my neighbor kindly set off a bed bug fogger rather than getting an exterminator, which we'd even offered to help him pay for. We have baseboard heating in our condo building. Guess where the parasites crawled to now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 984
You deserved it 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

At this point, it doesn't seem like they care or want to dissolve the problem using the resources available. It sucks beyond belief, but just now rather than paying for them to get an exterminator, you have to pay for yourself to get one. Nonetheless, it allows you some control of the situation, regardless of how awful it is.

SegaTortoise 12

have them pay for it or put a wasp nest in their place


nonsensical 26

Your neighbor's stubbornness would bug the shit out of me

SegaTortoise 12

have them pay for it or put a wasp nest in their place

How exactly are they going to carry a wasps nest into their neighbours without getting stung? (Purely curious for um er you know science)

You wait until a cold snap, or late at night, as the wasps are inactive when it's cold. Or get a beekeeper suit!

Move or scoop up the bugs and put them back in your neighbors house

pandainspandex 19

You clearly have no experience with bedbugs. If only it was that easy.

lexiieeex3 32

At this point, it doesn't seem like they care or want to dissolve the problem using the resources available. It sucks beyond belief, but just now rather than paying for them to get an exterminator, you have to pay for yourself to get one. Nonetheless, it allows you some control of the situation, regardless of how awful it is.

zeffra13 31

Depending on your area, bed bug infestations may have to be reported to the local government. They definitely have to reported to your apartment manager, who the one actually responsible for handling the situation. You may have legal right to sue your neighbor and make him pay for the extermination and any other damages caused.

This has become like a high stakes game of pong now

Simply can't treat one and not the other.....I would be moving... Instantly

It's not smart to move when you know there are bed bugs in your home. You'll just take them with you.

And once they stop using the fogger, the bed bugs will go back to them. Though I highly recommend you getting an exterminator for your condo and scheduling checks with the exterminator for the next few months. Bed bugs can crawl into baseboards and hibernate for months.

What? No. Once bed bugs find a new area with a food source they will stay. It's also very likely that at least one of those bugs has been inseminated and will be laying eggs in OPs place. Additionally, they are only likely to hibernate if they have no source of food.