By ShockBait - 22/08/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, it was my next-door neighbor's birthday. Over the past year, his pitbull has attacked my stepdad several times and put some stiches on me. Lucky for us, the dog was finally put down. For his birthday my neighbor got a new, bigger, pitbull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 638
You deserved it 5 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kindofgocrazy 0

Not all pitbulls are mean, maybe you'll get lucky and this one won't be.

loveabull66 0

this is bullshit. pits are amazing dogs, maybe its the owner whos the dumbass and raising them to be aggressive. its basically like raising a kid, teach them to rape and murder and 9 times out of 10 they'll grow up with the mindset that its ok. its people who dont understand this that give pits a bad rep, and another reason that theyre nearly outlawed.


haha, sucks for you. maybe it wont be as bad. XD

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

no, it will be. thats what 12 gauges were made for ;)

ReasonsToFly 0

**** the 12 gauge, we're gonna need some nuclear arms for this bad boy.

Imawhalerider 0

fluffy all you will need is the guns on your arms and another person dumb enough to be a sacrifice person

trollin_fo_realz 0

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ihateharrypotter 0

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Vacant 7

Too bad dogs can hardly be described as 'wild' anymore after 1000s of years of domestication.

lovely997 0

pit bulls are not meant to be pets fyl

Thank (a non-interventionist) God for the Second Amendment!

Just cause some people mistreat their pits and make them mean doesn't make all of them that way. I have two that are the sweetest things ever. And its also not like "dangerous" dogs are the only ones who hurt people. My friends kid got bitten by a lab, the "family friendy" dog.

roflcopter, I'm so glad you decided to abbreviate it as "pits." My pits are also sweet. lolololol

tboone 0

fyi, pitbulls are rly nice dogs! i pisses me off when people think they are vicious! they are extremely loyal pets so they get aggressive when their owners make them! i have grown up with putbulls, all of them being angels! people who think that every single pitbull is vicious, you are retarded and need to not beleive rumors! way 2 be gullible!

silentmusic 0

its fml's(and stories) like these that make people fear pit bulls. they are actually really nice dogs and only turn ot the way some do because of the people who train them. some can actually be sweet as like, the sweetest thing on earth. its just becasue of their powerful jaws that they are frequently trained badly. fml op, you did get bitten, but still...idk.

om1kr0n 0

I've owned over 20 types of dogs, I currently own a pitbull, and frankly, it's by far the most even tempered, and well behaved dog I have EVER owned.

jessiewessie 0

pitbulls are perfect pets it's their owners who are too stupid to train them. you dumb ****

if you call animal control when it acts violent, you can get it put down. it makes me really sad but hopefully this time the owner will know how to train it. pit bulls should be a one strike you're out dog though. if you can't control it the first time you can't get another.

Both your comment and the original post are a big fat case for a face -> palm. What are they supposed to be then? They're dogs. Meaning pets. Dude. OP, you can actually sue them for their 'wild' dog. It's completely illegal to have a dog that bites other people.

chrisamagod 0

I agree I grew up around American Rednose Pitbulls and I never was bitten or anything they are like every other dog if you raise it to be mean or if you beet it then ya it will be mean but if you take care of the dog properly your good.

Adree 15

Hopefully they'll train this one right

Get a taser :)...seriously, that sucks.

Taser? If he can get that, he might aswell get a gun. if op really wanted to maximise profit hed get a flamethrower, problem solved + free dinner.

tboone 0

you and # 147 have a very messed up mind! way to be a douche

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bnwranbo 2

I have a pitbull & it is the GREATEST dog i've ever had

bnwranbo 2

I have a pitbull & it is the GREATEST dog i've ever had

birds_fml 7

No dog is naturally vicious, this is true, and there are many sweet pitbulls. What makes a dog aggressive or not is how the owner treats it, and trains it. Obviously, this particular person had a vicious dog before, and therefore must suck at training dogs, and probably beats the dog as well and ignores it. The dog itself was not at fault, the owner was at fault for treating the dog in a way that made it vicious. There's no reason to assume that he'll be any different with his new dog, and this dog will likely become vicious as well. It doesn't matter if it were a pitbull or a golden retriever, an owner who allowed a dog to be vicious in the past will likely raise another vicious dog. To the OP: Call animal control every time you see that dog out of it's yard off leash. Report them for every minor infraction regarding the dog, and eventually it'll get taken away for good, hopefully before it mauls anyone else.

im sorry but how you treat the dog doesnt determin if its gonna attack someone or not. My family has had loads and loads of dogs all of them nice dogs then we got a pit bull type dog trained it the same as all the others but it still attacked ppl. Its in their breed

Gillypants 3

so, getting a full grown dog relieves the owner of responsibility for the actions of that dog? you're an idiot. the owner clearly either A) trained the dog to be aggressive, or B) couldn't keep control of his animal. either way, neighbor is responsible and shouldn't be allowed to have pets.

Pit Bulls are statistically one of the least aggressive dog breeds. People bred Pit Bulls in the early 1900's for dog fighting. After that, they gained a stigma for being violent and vicious. Thanks to that, Pit Bulls are now the most abused breed of dogs in the world. Complaining that the entire breed is aggressive is ignorant and only contributes to the misconceptions that drive people to raise them poorly.

MrSmOkEwEeD451 2

-3 He never said he had a problem with them, though I believe that the owners weren't very good at raising them.

katiedoll6 7

I love pitbulls they are great they are not viscous just some people train them to be ?

151 - that's the problem. You CAN'T train a pitbull just like any other dog. While they may not be naturally aggressive, they ARE dominant. If you treat and train them like you would train a less dominant breed, you'll end up with a messed up dog that will walk all over you.

@ 151 THAT is a lie, it's the ******* owner, not the dog, not saying it's you but maybe the pervious owner, or hmm maybe somebody provoked the dog and pissed the dog off. The pit bull has a better temperament than the border collie. It is not the pits fault. My sister has 4 pit bulls, AND a 2year old daughter. The pittys guard the baby like its their own child.

glamorous18 10

I have a pit bull & she's the nicest dog ever. protective, but a sweet heart. it truly depends on how you raise the dog & expose it to other people & animals so they become familiar & less aggressive.

kindofgocrazy 0

Not all pitbulls are mean, maybe you'll get lucky and this one won't be.

Exactly. You never know, and there are some genuinely sweet pitbulls out there.

LeCielNousAide 7

Pitbulls (and any other dog with "bull" in the name) are gladiator dogs. they are bred to be fighters, as Cesar Milan has said on the National Geographic show The Dog Whisperer. They are not unmanageable, you just have to be prepared to actually discipline the dog and put some work into it. most people don't want to put the work in to be their pack leader because they want a dog purely for the sake of having a dog and don't understand that it requires real work. to the OP: FYL, but have your neighbor call Cesar Milan or watch The Dog Whisperer so that he may train this pitbull not to be aggressive.

SanDiegoLove 0

agreed #9, not all pit bulls are mean and vicious! i knew plenty sweet pit bulls. BTW, DID YOU REMEMBER TO WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY?

Most the pit bulls and other such "vicious" dogs (rottweilers, boxers, german shepherds, malamutes, wolf mixes) I've met are extremely dopey. That is actually how they USUALLY are (well, minus mix breeds; they have no standard temperments) ... towards people, anyway... if you train them right. However, it IS going to be as bad, because obviously OP's neighbour sucks ass at handling dogs. Too bad for the OP, too bad for the dog.

I have a pit bull. He's the sweetest dog i've ever had. At the humane society, they named him lovebug.

silentmusic 0

realy? boxers? i didnt know they were like grouped with rot wilers nd pitbulls. i knew boxers are part pit and part bull dog but mine is never even slightly agrressive unless he sees an unfamiliar dog and starts barking. hm. thanks for the info.

Yep, even Boxers are listed sometimes. There WAS going to be a breed ban... either in Illinois in general or just in our area... and Boxers were listed along with Saint Bernards, Collies, another shepherding breed, Akitas, several others, and any dogs with ancestors of the listed breeds (which would have included our German/Australian Shepherd mix... she would have to be muzzled, despite the fact she's also a real sweetheart). I can understand some breeds, but it's really not fair to forcibly remove, muzzle, and padlock completely harmless dogs. Luckily, it didn't go through.

Yeah pretty much what he said. It wasn't the dogs fault, it was the owner ):

It's not the dog, it's the owner. I have a pit and she's the sweetest thing in the world.

224. I have scars from an Akita and ill still say any breed ban is BS

Can't you sue the owner of the dog if it attacks you?

not everyone who owns a pit is trashy. Some have them for specific reasons, for example they are good guard dogs in that they look menacing so even if they're angels people will leave you alone. Also if you hunt wild boar, they are good. But, I'm probably wasting my breath since changing people's beliefs is impossible...

ihateharrypotter 0

Right, and people who own green shirts are all millionaires and married to Megan Fox.

JustCallMeCloud 0

Damn, its about time for me to get a green shirt then :D.

#18 you're an idiot. I come from a very well off family and we own a pitbull. He's a baby, to everybody. Yesterday morning I was walking him and some loose border collie was growling and following us. Rocky barely even looked over his shoulder. I'm sure YOUR dog would be going nuts trying to rip your arm off lunging on the leash like most poorly trained dogs that the vast majority of people have. And if you're gonna talk crap, get the facts straight. Pitbulls were raised to NEVER bite a human, back in the bull fighting and dog fighting days. A handler was supposed to be able to reach in while the dog was in the heat of a fight and that dog was to NEVER bite him. If the dog did, it was often put down thus never used in breeding destroying that trait. It probably wasn't even a real pitbull. Most people call any dog that bites a "pitbull". Its a joke, do some effing research and stop being a stupid, biased country.

#18 you're an idiot. I come from a very well off family and we own a pitbull. He's a baby, to everybody. Yesterday morning I was walking him and some loose border collie was growling and following us. Rocky barely even looked over his shoulder. I'm sure YOUR dog would be going nuts trying to rip your arm off lunging on the leash like most poorly trained dogs that the vast majority of people have. And if you're gonna talk crap, get the facts straight. Pitbulls were raised to NEVER bite a human, back in the bull fighting and dog fighting days. A handler was supposed to be able to reach in while the dog was in the heat of a fight and that dog was to NEVER bite him. If the dog did, it was often put down thus never used in breeding destroying that trait. It probably wasn't even a real pitbull. Most people call any dog that bites a "pitbull". Its a joke, do some effing research and stop being a stupid, biased country.

Pitbulls aren't inherently mean, they just have a higher tendency to be. They can be perfectly sweet dogs if they're raised properly - it all depends on their environment. Unfortunately, if the previous pitbull was raised to be aggressive, the new one likely will be, too.

letitbe56 0

In my state, if a dog bites someone more than once, by law, the owner has to have it put down. On the other hand, maybe their new pitbull won't be a biter.

maybe it's not the dogs fault. if a dog attacks the same person more than once the person obviously needs to leave the dog alone.

256, when I was young and would go for walks around the block, there were dogs that sometimes chased me and hurt me simply because I was on the sidewalk in front of their house.

loveabull66 0

this is bullshit. pits are amazing dogs, maybe its the owner whos the dumbass and raising them to be aggressive. its basically like raising a kid, teach them to rape and murder and 9 times out of 10 they'll grow up with the mindset that its ok. its people who dont understand this that give pits a bad rep, and another reason that theyre nearly outlawed.

that's not true, it's along the same lines, but kids won't rape and murder... i'm pretty sure it's a psychological thing that makes them believe they have to...

prettyAllie224 0

Doesn't really matter in the OPs case, does it? The neighbor's last dog wasn't trained properly, so it's doubtful the new one will either. And since it's larger, it can do more damage.