By AlienZ - 12/04/2009 02:44 - United States

Today, my parents asked if I wanted to go to military school so I said, "Yeah, that would be awesome," thinking it was a joke. They weren't joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 251
You deserved it 44 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No internet in the military, so enjoy your Private life without more FML sharing.

my parents thought i should go to military school too, when in reality i had no reason to at all. anyone else think there should be a 'parents' section on here?


Vinatierri 0

I wouldn't complain if I were in your shoes. When I was a kid I would have killed to go to military school. I grew up in a broken home and had to instill all the right values into myself. Honest to God I would have loved a military school--I hate the public school system here. 1st

KwitIt 0

Yeeowch. Did they play it off like they were kidding? Or were you just being a little dense?

friedpwnadge 25

Am I a bad person for clicking both?

No internet in the military, so enjoy your Private life without more FML sharing.

my parents thought i should go to military school too, when in reality i had no reason to at all. anyone else think there should be a 'parents' section on here?

thats pretty funny, although i doubt they are really making you go:P

CJ090 0

Yea that's right #6 **** conformity

How is this a FML? What's wrong with military school? I agree with #1 I was in the same situation. I would have loved to went to West Point but I'm too old now. Hell I'm still considering that Naval Academy or OCS.