
By Kelavmeister - 17/04/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was driving home from school when I saw this girl I like walking home. Trying to be polite, I pulled over and asked if she wanted a ride. My offer was rejected as she said, "No, I'm actually already home," and walked up the nearest driveway. My driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 199
You deserved it 7 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahhahahahaah...you should have pulled into the driveway and rolled down your window and said "woah you live here too??"

dino_witha_cape 0

Hahaha. "Well, that's funny, because so am I." and then park and walk into your house. she'd be the embarrassed one x)


wolfman1224 0

She should be the one writing an FML

I think by girl he likes, he means like, has a crush on,... not likes as a person... I'll bet that they've actually hung out before, are friends, he likes her, she obviously doesn't care for him much, but hangs out with him, cuz of his friends or something... I don't think she went, oh shit, i'm gonna get raped, I think she went, ****, it's this annoying dude.

From anyone else point of view but yours and hers, that is hilarious.

what..the...ffawk? if she lives in ur house how don't u know her

elikesbubbles137 0

freaking sucks for the bitch! hahaha

MidnightHighway 0

I don't see why people think it wasn't her being a bitch. If he was the one who was coming home from SCHOOL. And he LIKED her, so definitely means they know eachother; whether its well or not lmao. I wanna know what happened after! :'( Hahahha.