
By Kelavmeister - 17/04/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was driving home from school when I saw this girl I like walking home. Trying to be polite, I pulled over and asked if she wanted a ride. My offer was rejected as she said, "No, I'm actually already home," and walked up the nearest driveway. My driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 199
You deserved it 7 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahhahahahaah...you should have pulled into the driveway and rolled down your window and said "woah you live here too??"

dino_witha_cape 0

Hahaha. "Well, that's funny, because so am I." and then park and walk into your house. she'd be the embarrassed one x)


im with #2 and i wanna know what happened next

Epic_Rejected 0

Oh, man. I feel you. The same thing happened to me. Twice. The first time, I didn't even have a car, I had offered to walk with her. I went out my way and walked around the block to avoid embarassing her.

Jesus people, stop defending her. If she really was shy or uncomfortable,she would have kept walking. The fact that she chose to walk up the nearest driveway says she's a catty bitch. Sir, I hope you gave her both guns by pulling up the driveway, walking into the house and calling her a bitch right before you slam the door.

quiddity 0

Here's how I see it. I'm walking home. Some guy from school offers me a ride. I don't want to get into a car with him, because although the chances are slim, I don't want to get raped. I don't know if he actually wants to give me a ride, or if he wants to hurt me. I'm not just going to say no and keep walking, because he could easily grab me and get me into the car anyway. So, to make sure he doesn't do that, I pretend the house ahead is mine, so that he'll leave and nothing bad happens to me. Am I paranoid? Who knows. Most victims of rape never expected that it would happen to them. Am I a bitch? I don't think so. I'm just trying to protect myself without being too forward about it.

imagine how dumb she would have felt if you just pulled into your driveway without saying anything and shed say something along the line of "what the hell are you doing" all youd have to say would be "im going home" walk in the house and then shed be the one FMLing

#18, um, because he liked her and wanted to be nice? Not his fault she didn't want to accept his kind offer.

#2 ROFL that would have been hilarious!!!!

For god's sake, how is declining a ride from some random guy bitchy?

LMAO imagine her FML now: Today, this guy I know pulled up to me asking if I wanted a ride home. Not really wanting to go with him, I lied and said I'm home already, and proceeded to walk towards the nearest driveway. It was his driveway. FML. That really sucks though :P

fmylife1016 0

the girl was afraid. I mean, if i was in her situation, I would have said that too...and i would have my cell with me...