
By Kelavmeister - 17/04/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was driving home from school when I saw this girl I like walking home. Trying to be polite, I pulled over and asked if she wanted a ride. My offer was rejected as she said, "No, I'm actually already home," and walked up the nearest driveway. My driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 199
You deserved it 7 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahhahahahaah...you should have pulled into the driveway and rolled down your window and said "woah you live here too??"

dino_witha_cape 0

Hahaha. "Well, that's funny, because so am I." and then park and walk into your house. she'd be the embarrassed one x)


afg5050 0

wow i really hope you made her feel like an idiot by pulling into your driveway and into the house. and i agree with VooDooXII , this is an FML for her too. lol what a bitch!

jackattack96 0

166 i no i meant like a crush but if he has a crush on her then they obviously must know each other so to everyone that said dont take rides from stangers 1) hes not a stranger 2) she cudve kept walking and said im ok i dont live too much farther

Unless you knew her somewhat, perhaps she was just trying to stay safe (don't take rides from strangers). If it was someone who you actually talk to every now and then, though, then she's a bitch and I hope you made that clear by pulling into your driveway at the same time.

Doc_Fancy1731 0

wow. completely opposite happened to me but I ended up driving for another extra 5 miles to drop her home. But we had a nice talk on the way

Somewhere else on this site, she posted this same story from her point of view, saying that it had been you house. ^^Most likely untrue, but that would be freakin hilarious.

"Wow, really? How how have you been living in my house?!!"

cyxx 0

143 you are ridiculous. We can safely assume from this FML that they know each other, because he said "the girl I like", as in the girl he has a crush on. If he has a crush on her they probably know each other/go to the same high school. And the first part clearly says "I was driving home from school when I saw this girl". So he was just driving to his house, probably about to go into the driveway when he sees the girl on his street and asks if she wants a ride. That does NOT mean he hangs around his driveway waiting to pick girls up. Please learn to read sometime.

That sucks, but it's creepy when someone you don't really know offers you a ride.