
By Kelavmeister - 17/04/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was driving home from school when I saw this girl I like walking home. Trying to be polite, I pulled over and asked if she wanted a ride. My offer was rejected as she said, "No, I'm actually already home," and walked up the nearest driveway. My driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 199
You deserved it 7 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahhahahahaah...you should have pulled into the driveway and rolled down your window and said "woah you live here too??"

dino_witha_cape 0

Hahaha. "Well, that's funny, because so am I." and then park and walk into your house. she'd be the embarrassed one x)


anonymousssss_fml 3

hahaha you so should have pulled into the drive way and been like "whoa you live here too?" haha then she'd be totally embarrassed. better luck next tme =]

Seriously I was just moderating the other FML and the girl posted her side of the story. XD

shoulda just made her embarassed. it was right there set up for you!!

kellster 2

Offering rides to people you haven't really talked to (you referred to her as a girl you like, not a friend, so this is my conclusion) is a little creepy. I don't blame her. I do pity her for her easy-let-down rejection line failing, though!

BAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA classic! :) #36 legendary stuff! #142 calm the hell down #125 ...is that a sick joke?

rocky6 0
jackattack96 0

"I was driving home from school, when I saw this girl I like walking home" they go to the same school and proably know eachother if he likes her so hes not a creeper hes just trying to be nice to the girl he likes

mwmessedupl 0

Wow she sounds too bitchy to be worth it