Landlords gonna landlord

By Anonymous - 28/12/2022 15:00 - Germany

Today, our landlord came over to chop down our cherished apple tree. While doing so, he ate one of the apples, concurring that they really did taste excellent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 264
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He cannot tell a lie. Wait, if he's your landlord, how can the tree be yours? Didn't he really chop down his own tree?

Did you plant it without his permission? Did you plant it in a place where it could be dangerous if it fell? Was it in poor health and needed to be removed before whatever disease it had spread? There's a little more to your story that we need to be told.


He cannot tell a lie. Wait, if he's your landlord, how can the tree be yours? Didn't he really chop down his own tree?

We had a mulberry tree down our street that gave delicious mulberries up until the landlord had it cut. Turns out, its trunk was hollowed out. Maybe your beloved apple tree had the tree equivalent of terminal cancer, and your landlord shortened its suffering.

Yeah but the monkey chasing the weasel was too much of nuisance. And all those calls to Animal Control to clean up popped weasels!

Did you plant it without his permission? Did you plant it in a place where it could be dangerous if it fell? Was it in poor health and needed to be removed before whatever disease it had spread? There's a little more to your story that we need to be told.

cpguru24 16

"Today, our landlord came over to chop down one of his trees on his property. Because, you know, its his property" There I fixed it for you.