By syco - 28/12/2009 17:17 - United Kingdom

Today, the girl I like was panicking because her car broke down, so I offered her a lift to wherever she needed to be. I drove her to her boyfriend's house. She asked me to drive her home in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 275
You deserved it 7 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could: Keep being her emotional tampon and letting her take advantage of you Tell her you'll pick her up and don't.


why doesn't her bf drive her home! xD


authorkid 2

43 did u feel the née to comment on #1?

peternorth 0

make her give u some road head.

Yes, having a boyfriend, such a bitch. And accepting someone's offer for a ride, shame on her. I don't see how thinking a friend is actually being a friend and helping her out with a ride is being a bitch, the op could have said he was too busy the next morning to give her a ride. If she had snapped at him, that would make her a bitch.

You could: Keep being her emotional tampon and letting her take advantage of you Tell her you'll pick her up and don't.

Seconded. I wouldn't say YDI, but did you expect her to magically fall in love with you if you're nice to her?

Tensingumi 0

i totally feel your you don't even know.

Yep You Did the right thing and not leaving her dangerously stranded! After that I'd tell her," Mmkay your BOYFRIEND can fix you up from here"! If you pick her up in the morning then YDI her sorry butt!!

glasswater 0

What a bitch, If you didn't say "**** no", you need to grow a pair.


why doesn't her bf drive her home! xD

dudeitsdanny 9
hope20 0

through her a one dollar bill and tell her to get a cab when she says it's not enough tell her she can get more at the strip club

ironstove 0

Sigh. Women are so useless. Half of them think guys are actually being nice and don't get it, while the other half completely get it and pretend that they don't. And it's up to guys like me to try to distinguish which women are and are not worthless. What a waste of my time.

skaterblue12 0

did you get that from nigahiga's video on YouTube - nice guys?