Mysterious girl

By Anonymous - 31/10/2021 11:00

Today, my girlfriend of two years broke up with me. It was our anniversary just 3 nights ago, and she said she was sorry for leading me on. She still hasn’t told me why. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 020
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably were supposed to be a temporary thing until someone better came along. Now that you're counting anniversaries, she's realized it's gone on too long.

The anniversary woke her up. Sorry this one is really FML, you will need closure, and maybe talk to a professional to get it out of your system.


I don't think you get to two years with a teeny peeny. It's when you get ghosted after the first date that includes sex, that's when you can guess that size was an issue. Or so I've heard...

You probably were supposed to be a temporary thing until someone better came along. Now that you're counting anniversaries, she's realized it's gone on too long.

The anniversary woke her up. Sorry this one is really FML, you will need closure, and maybe talk to a professional to get it out of your system.

Jon Tessler 14

don't expect an answer as to "why", and she doesn't owe you an answer. most times the ex will make something up anyway. the sooner you move on, the better.

yes after two years she doesn't owe him common courtesy, you're right that is too much to expect from shitty people.