Love knows no boundaries

By Anonymous - 08/07/2020 14:01

Today, I found out my son's girlfriend is actually a webcam porn star he pays for private sessions. He’s somehow convinced himself they have a real relationship, and is spending thousands of pounds every week, on his credit card I may add. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 391
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to step in, before it's too late, and he becomes another person living on the streets.

tounces7 27

Your son is, frankly, a loser.


They do have a real relationship and he has the debt to prove it! Surely, with so much money, she is highly likely to be developing genuine feelings for him, right?

Time to step in, before it's too late, and he becomes another person living on the streets.

tounces7 27

Your son is, frankly, a loser.

genuinegoodguy 9

Intervention now. Or risk disaster

He’s not alone. The performers that are good at this make EVERY person feel special ...until they run out of money.

bobsanction 18

You are a terrible parent to raise such an idiot.

So many questions here. How old is your son? If he's old enough to have his own credit card, is he still living with you? If he's not living with you, how did you find out about this? Depending on his age, he may be too young to have a credit card, anyway. Still, age aside, that's a stupid way to spend money.

It's funny because my friend (who jerked off to an obvious fake video chat and got black mailed for it) has a "relationship" with an instagram girl where they talk only through stories. People be crazy.