By suffersecks - 20/01/2012 23:54 - United States

Today, while in the middle of giving my husband a blow job, I looked up to see him staring into space and vigorously picking his nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 646
You deserved it 6 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First he puts on dirty underwear after a shower, and now this! Stop giving head OP!

nick347b 6

He's enjoying it. Trust me, I'm a guy.


At least he didn't say something insulting? ... Nah FYL

Millions of babies died on her face. Show some sympathy.

Yeah me too... But he didn't say something rude on top of being a dick.

He probably wouldn't notice. He's in a magical dreamland, where he is in an intergalactic war with midget Space-Squids.

From the looks of your pro pic, I doubt anyone has ever let u give them head! Lmao

aruam365 24
mmjluvi 1

I don't have that problem my husband likes it to much lmao

aruam365 24

143- Don't take anyone on FML too seriously, they're literally bullies hiding behind their computers. They think because it's online it's okay to be a complete asshole, it's not though. I doubt any girl has been willing to give him head judging from how he talks to women!

What's up with the people in this thread? Gross on its own.

"Don't take anyone on FML too seriously" Okay, i won't take you too seriously then! :D

JurassicHole 5

154- If you're talking about 38, which by your comment seems to be the case, he was making a joke. Having a sense of humor does not an asshole make. Taking things to seriously does the opposite however.

aruam365 24

190- I'm not referring to 38. There was a comment from some guy insulting her appearance.

nick347b 6

He's enjoying it. Trust me, I'm a guy.

Absolutely. OP seems to have screwed him stupid. He'll be back to normal in about half an hour.

sickjairo 7

Wow I read this comment to fast and thought it said,"I'm gay" at the end haha

I don't know... I usually do this sitting in math class.

afunnyterdcody 5
rcloca 10

Pick, pick, picking away, huh?

TalkingTowelTim 0

Your dog is really cute! *sorry to be off topic*

rcloca 10

Every time i see you comment, i take a look at the profile so i can see the puppy better, and every time i read the "stop stalking me" message...

Your dog is awesome, I had to put my life long companion,(a toy fox terroir) down=(. *sorry of topic*

P.S., we aren't stalking you, it's just that your dog reminds us of our companions!!!!


He rated it as "meh" on the "pathetic to OH YEEEAAA" scale.

First he puts on dirty underwear after a shower, and now this! Stop giving head OP!

Your right, it's the same exact op!!!!!! Op, just divorce him, right now!!!

111 the answers not always divorce, although many think that's a false statement.

aruam365 24

134- I actually agree with you but considering my "extreme amounts of stupidity" I guess that makes me wrong and since I agree with you, you must wrong too! Rude of you to add me to your stupid list - no one cares!

151 -You're the one that made a pointless comment, thus, obviously you care.

159, im a ******* guy!!! And I kno that's disgusting!! STFU!!

learn some new techniques. a little variety helps(:

ICaughtFire 4

no. it just makes sense that somebody would'nt like the same thing over and over, especially since they are married. lacking variety is a big problem in marriages.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Do I detect a tinge of jealousy, 20?

TexasMud 8

29, you should become a marriage counselor

Variety helps both parties. I've gotten to the point of counting sheep as I bobbed... Mmmmarried sex.

Chelsea is very right, variety is awesome. Getting the same stuff is boring!

ICaughtFire 4

Damn, Shrooms, you know my hearts desires.

justmethough 8

The man obviously holds the key to all pleasures.