
By ThatIsNotIt - 24/01/2021 04:02 - United Kingdom

Today, having regularly given my husband blowjobs, I suggested, mid-session, that he could maybe reciprocate. He complained that I was wet, begrudgingly licked for about a minute and then gave up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 421
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like your life literally does suck -- and you should stop doing it until he's beyond willing to reciprocate


sounds like your life literally does suck -- and you should stop doing it until he's beyond willing to reciprocate

Well, next time you should just about lick him for a minute, and then give up, if he becomes at least remotely hard.

Warp1978 15

Mid session is not the best time to quit and ask him to reciprocate. Either before or after would be better - You probably have more leverage before and it’s less frustrating than quitting in the middle.

arioch_fml 20

Definitely not a good time, but it's probably not the first time Op has asked either. and honestly, if he's that reluctant he might not even bother before or after anyways.

peterblack67 9

How incredibly selfish. I would definitely cut him off.

get you a man like me, not me, but like me. the ratio my wife and I have of "favors" is like 20:1 in her favor, and I'm a ok with that.

bobsanction 18