By pinky - 12/02/2010 05:13 - Australia

Today, when setting up for a rehearsal, my eldest teacher was standing next to me. My music teacher announces that it will be a tight fit and hard for everyone to fit in the area. The old teacher next to me leans over and whispers, "I'd like to fit in your tight area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 029
You deserved it 2 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a hell of a lot wrong with that. If she is underage they could and should lose their job and probably never teach again. If she is not it is still highly inappropriate sexual harassment.


Spooksu 0

some union protects these people and if they even tried to fire him the process would take about 3 years Which really is too much trouble

tweetbaby14 18

@67 are you ******* stupid so wherever you live it's ok for a teacher to call students hot no that's inappropriate and disgusting. his ass needs to be reported and suspended with out pay or fired then sued for sexual harassment of a minor.

skyeyez9 24

Pedophiles gravitate towards careers that place them around children and young teens. Tell your parents what that disgusting creep said to you asap!

skyeyez9 24

Do not, under any circumstances, let yourself be alone with him ever! If he wants to talk to you in his classroom alone, tell him you want another teacher present, preferably a female. You have that right.

umentum 0
snickelfrits 0

snicker why do you act so sanctimonious? what grade are you in?

Wait we are blowing this out of proportion! He could have been on his blue tooth ;D

xDyZFuNkTiOnULx 0

wow think about it. This story seems a little far fetched. -.- . who says area lmaooo. AND if this indeed did happen and you under age u need to consult somebody.