By LadyJane - 04/01/2009 10:15 - France

Today, at a rehearsal, a friend poked me: "My mother is in the orchestra, guess who she is!" I jokingly answer: "Erm…The fat singer?". It was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 197
You deserved it 27 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greatnt249 0

I wasn't aware that orchestras had singers.

Why would you say something like that when you KNOW one of them is the mom? YDI


bchristina5 0
DemonicFatty 2

if ur gonna call someone a douche...spell it right

TheRealBruce 12

No, she didn't; she isn't black.

greatnt249 0

I wasn't aware that orchestras had singers.

erika_lynnex 1

they're in France. they use words there that might mean different things here

misterasdfjkl 0
NoNameAtAll_fml 1

At least you didnt call the person shamu or anything

never tease a mother weirdo. and a singer at an orchestra? get your story straight son.

Actually they do in France, get YOUR story straight, Hun.

IlTiramisuEBuono 6

There are opera singers that join orchestras for solo performances.

Why would you say something like that when you KNOW one of them is the mom? YDI

feari_princess 0

well she sang... so its over. :P

yep....if you can call that!

itsmeppl 0

I agree wholeheartedly :) jehe lol

HAHAAAHAH!!! that ******* funny!!!! m/ o.o m/