By pinky - 12/02/2010 05:13 - Australia

Today, when setting up for a rehearsal, my eldest teacher was standing next to me. My music teacher announces that it will be a tight fit and hard for everyone to fit in the area. The old teacher next to me leans over and whispers, "I'd like to fit in your tight area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 029
You deserved it 2 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a hell of a lot wrong with that. If she is underage they could and should lose their job and probably never teach again. If she is not it is still highly inappropriate sexual harassment.


shoguu 0

he/she could very well have meant it as a joke with the comment directed toward the speaker. lots of people have made quiet asides like this to someone and it wasn't a come-on or anything. then again, if he/she meant it as a come-on, you should report it.

perdix 29

Tell him, "I hope your into anal, because my pussy is as loose as runny stool."

Enoch134 0

I agree with the teacher u must be hot

wearworkboots61 0

That's f*d up. It woulda been ok if he said that's what she said but any who that's just wrong.

super awesome excuse to slap a teacher in the face yay free pass

BrownSugar_fml 5

That's hilarious!! You should have laughed it off.

KurouTenshi 0

they make hotlines for this sort of thing, one to report the incident, and one to pay $4.99 initially and .25c for every subsequent dirty minute.