By pinky - 12/02/2010 05:13 - Australia

Today, when setting up for a rehearsal, my eldest teacher was standing next to me. My music teacher announces that it will be a tight fit and hard for everyone to fit in the area. The old teacher next to me leans over and whispers, "I'd like to fit in your tight area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 029
You deserved it 2 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a hell of a lot wrong with that. If she is underage they could and should lose their job and probably never teach again. If she is not it is still highly inappropriate sexual harassment.


CrazySmileyFace 0

ok first of all that's sexual harrasment no matter what you say lightmaster. and go get a life PLEASE. you don't even know if this is real and no one cares about your blabbering about your shit. instead of looking up the meaning of sexual harrasment, how about you go get laid for once. NO ONE CARES.

yurr life desnt suck. yuuh didnt deserve it. buht that sure is diqustinq.

in the united states, sexual harassment is illegal regardless of age, race, or sex. so even if the op is 17-18 it is still sexual harassment. OP report the teacher

WHAT A PRO!!! And it's not all bad. A Lot of these FMLs are about being ugly so you are clearly very pretty.

jswi95x3 0
shamRawer 0

reminds me of my teacher…that old bastard flirts with every girl....

while reading this I thought he was gonna lean over and say that's what she said lol also that is sexual harrassment and he should be reported

maddie1 0

eeeeewwee u need to report that teacher!